I don't want to freak you guys out or anything, but in 10 years I'll be 3 years away from preparing to turn 40 (FORTY), so basically my geriatric years aren't that far away at all because 10 years ago I was 16 and now here I am, 26, even though sometimes I still feel like I'm 16 until I realize I'm not... not even close. I'm practically 40. I want to make the most of the 3.3 years I have left as a twenty-something, and nothing makes people feel better about impending birthdays like crazed goal setting! I've made ambitious to-do lists before and while fun to read, they never come to fruition... to much doing and not enough not doing. That's really where I shine.
I'm so excited to not do all of these things.
- Swim with whale sharks
- Swim with any kind of shark
- Run a marathon
- Sing in public
- Visit Las Vegas
- Gut a fish
- Learn how to pole dance
- Give up caffeine
- Pee on my leg (aka camping)
- Participate in a flash mob
- Live without my iPhone
- Have anything to do with a maternity photo shoot
- Post 3D ultrasound pictures on Facebook
- Give a stranger my number
- Care about making my bed
- Care about winning a game of miniature golf
- Become a Reality TV star
- Ride a mechanical bull
- Watch any of the Transformer movies
- Spend NYE in Times Square
- Master fencing
- Get into Harvard
- Learn to yodel
- Two words: Fantasy football
- Three words: Matching couple tattoos
- Sail around the world in 80 days
- Drink a gallon of milk in under an hour
- Be the inspiration for a Taylor Swift song
- Shave my head
- Contract a terminal disease
I'm right on track to not accomplish any of this! It feels good. Bring it on, 30!